1850 William McRae Homestead

Salisbury Road 100-acre property homestead and grounds, modelled on McRae's Irish homestead.

1916 two large dormitory buildings were built.

By 1917, the school was established, with two teachers and a roll of 50.

In 1925, the new kitchen/dining room was built.

In 1925, the recreation room was built for dances and silent films.

In 1930, three additional classrooms were built with another being built in 1935 and the first staff-room in 1937.

In 1947, Miss Katherine McRae became Headmistress. Her time was marked by an appreciation of the girls as individuals, giving attention to the girls’ differing capacities and a curriculum to respond to these needs.

By 1951, the school had a roll of around 65 and a boarding and teaching staff of 19.