The School Board is dedicated to ensuring students achieve success.

The Salisbury School Board

The Salisbury School board of trustees is responsible for the governance and management of the school.

Elections are every three years. The Principal is a board member, and parents of the school elect up to five members and staff elect one member. The Board can also co-opt up to four other members. The next triennial elections will be held in September 2025.

Key background documents 

Education Review Office Report: 2023 

Current Charter and Annual Plan: 2023-2025 

Annual Report: Year Ended 31December 2023  

  • The board's main focus is on student progress, achievement, and wellbeing. This involves:

    • Ensuring every student can reach their highest standard of achievement.

    • Monitoring and evaluating student progress and achievement.

    • Creating a physically and emotionally safe learning environment.

    The board’s other primary responsibilities include:

    • Setting the strategic direction and long-term plans for the school in consultation with the community.

    • Developing policies by which the school is controlled and managed.

    • Ensuring the school complies with legal and policy requirements.