Green-Gold Enviroschool
Salisbury has a proud reputation as a leader in Enviro Education with a strong interest in the environment and sustainability.
Teaching and learning that is centred on practices and processes that protect and look after the environment, provide our students with a deep understanding of guardianship and how they can positively influence the world around them.

A special treasure is Salisbury’s own native garden (Mara Rakanui) which has been established over the past two decades.
This now includes a lizard sanctuary, a boardwalk through regenerating native garden, and a creek that feeds into the Waimea estuary supporting the growth of the coastal wetland banded rail.
Salisbury’s strong connection to the environment has led it to be awarded Green-Gold status as an award-winning Enviroschool (for example, Salisbury was a finalist in the recent 2019 Keep New Zealand Beautiful Sustainable Schools Award).
Strong links have been made with organisations around the Tasman area with numerous groups contributing and benefiting from Salisbury’s recognised programme. For example, the collection of seeds from Salisbury’s native garden and the potting of these in the school’s potting shed has seen the distribution of thousands of plants to local estuaries.
As a result of this programme, students gain insight and knowledge of the local environment and develop a connection to the school, the native bush, and the natural environments of the local community.
The school’s enviro programme provides a core avenue for the modelling and developing of the school values supporting students to develop into well connected, confident, and thoughtful contributing citizens.