Enrichment Programmes

Extending core school and residential curriculum in the community.
The enrichment programmes extend our core school and boarding school curriculum, thanks to Salisbury’s wonderful relationship with the local community.
Attendance and participation is warmly welcomed at local community events such as weekend sporting fixtures. Many in the community also show their support by sponsoring sporting events and providing work experience placements.

Our enrichment programmes provide opportunities for students to:
Explore new opportunities for learning to develop self-confidence
Rehearse newly learnt skills in differing contexts (e.g. social skills and self-management)
Participate and contribute within the community
Extend areas of interest and passion.

Enrichment programmes that contribute to our Health Curriculum:
Keeping Ourselves Safe (NZ Police) – Key focus areas: I am unique, My body is my own, Unwanted behaviour or touch, Adults who help.
Pause, Breathe, Smile (Positive Mind Health)
Yoga (external facilitator)
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) and Restorative Practice (RP)
Special Olympics
Weekly PE programmes, daily ‘10’ fitness
Swim Magic – swimming instruction
Personalised fitness programmes with specialised PE tutor
Personal care programmes / Wellbeing Plans
Digital Citizenship and Online Safety programme
Social skills programmes: Friendship Formula, Socially Speaking
Anti-bullying personalised and group teaching and learning
The Introception Curriculum – Mindful Self-Regulation
Sexuality education
Health - Food and nutrition education: residential cooking programme, lunch box programme, plant to plate programme,
Food technology
St John in Schools programme: Responding to an emergency
Empowerment Trust: Positive Assertiveness and online safety
School camp
Sun, water, and road safety programme
Cycling safety programme (community constable)
Firewise (NZ Fire Department) and the Great Shake Out (earthquake)
Enviro education: healthy communities and environments units (weekly)
Additional wellbeing consultants and supports: Music therapist, Creative Arts therapist, Counsellor